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At the start of lockdown  Illuminations - the largest wellbeing centre in Dubai - contacted them to have a Zoom meeting with the founder of the company, who had just put all of her company's activities online. She asked Sandi & Mike to join her online team – an offer which they were very happy to accept.


They began  a schedule of seminars, workshops, and mediumship development classes, as well as one on one readings and healings.

See Illuminations website for full details –


In June this year Mike and Sandi visited Dubai for two weeks to work at the Illuminations Centre.   They had a hectic programme of readings, healings, podcasts, videos, workshops and courses.  They also met many of the people - both staff and clients - who they had been working with for the past two years.   It was an amazing experience for them, and plans are currently in progress for another visit there with 4 days in May 2024

We have now terminated our contract with Illuminations in Dubai it was a pleasure working with them.

All our treatments courses, classes, and workshops are available on zoom in the UK we will be doing all of the courses and workshops  in the UK.  We will still be visiting our friends in Dubai in October


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